Hotel Workers Union on Cell Phone Use; Transforming American Healthcare; Hawaii State Board on Geographic Names; Hawaii Theatre for Youth’s Kinolau
Hotel Workers Union on Cell Phone Use
Last month we first reported about the issue of panic buttons as a possibility because of the sexual harassment housekeepers often face on the job. The hotel workers union sits down with us for some frank talk about whether housekeepers should be allowed to carry cell phones.
Intro Music: Tangerine by Beach Fossils
Outro Music: My Old Man by Mac DeMarco
Transforming American Healthcare
Dr. Robert Pearl lost his father to a medical error; he’s seen too many preventable mistakes in the course of his career, and he has made it his mission to bring what he sees as flaws to the system out in the open. He’s the author of Mistreated: Why We Think We’re Getting Good Healthcare – And Why We’re Usually Wrong
Intro Music: Saturday's Children by Circles Around the Sun
Outro Music: Like A Child by Oketo

Mark Bennett, a former Hawaii attorney general, has been nominated by President Donald Trump to take the Hawaii seat on the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Outro Music: As If by Surf Rock Is Dead

Hawaii State Board on Geographic Names
The Board of Geographic Names faces reclaiming the name Wailuku River. It was a contentious battle because of the water rights fight on the Valley Island. When water was diverted for sugar, the flow in the river trickled and became a stream, thus the name Iao Stream. Now that the last sugar mill has shut down, the talk about restoring the water and reclaiming the name Wailuku River has underscored the importance of place names.
Outro Music: Granada by Harry Kalahiki

Hawaii Theatre for Youth’s Kinolau
Storytelling is one of the primal art forms, with roots as old as human language; its practice is at the heart of Hawaiian culture, whose history was preserved in mele handed down through the generations. Moses Goods is a theater artist who has mastered many disciplines, and all of them have storytelling at their heart.
Outro Music: Constellations (feat. Jack Johnson) by Kawika Kahiapo