The 13-week “Aloha ʻĀina” series explored the roots and historical endurance of the values of aloha ʻāina, commonly translated as “love of the land.” The 65 episodes asked, what does it really mean to engage, to connect, to develop an intimate kinship with the environments and ancestral knowledge that have nourished and sustained these islands for centuries?
Commentary was provided by noted Hawaiian scholars and leaders, such as PuananiBurgess, Sam ʻOhu Gon, Davianna McGregor, Jonathan Osorio, and Walter Ritte. Through these voices and many others, the series invites listeners to deepen their understanding of aloha ‘āina and hopes to inspire them to incorporate these values into their everyday lives.
The 90-second Aloha ʻĀina vignettes aired each weekday after Fresh Air (HPR-2) at 3:57 p.m.
The series was researched, written, and narrated by Julia Steele. Steele is currently an editor at Hawai‘i’s largest magazine, Hana Hou!, where she has written and edited numerous award-winning articles about Hawai‘i. She was the founding editor of Honolulu Weekly. She holds a BA in Pacific history and journalism from the University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa and a JD from Stanford Law School.
The theme music for the Aloha ‘Äina series is Project Kuleana’s recording of Liko Martin’s “All Hawai‘i Stand Together.” You can see and hear the song in its entirety https://youtu.be/LV5qNZox4T8">here. Mahalo nui loa to all involved for their graciousness in allowing us to use the music for the series.
The series was a collaboration with The Kohala Center.
Welcome to the first episode of Aloha ‘?ina, a series dedicated to exploring Hawaiian kinship with the natural world. Over the next thirteen weeks, over…
Over the next few days we’ll hear different voices speaking to the meaning of aloha ‘?ina. We begin at the Kamakak?okalani Center for Hawaiian Studies on…
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Davianna P?maika‘i McGregor is a professor at UH M?noa and a long-time member of the Protect Kaho‘olawe ‘Ohana, the group that in the 1970s successfully…
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