Economic Slowdown Ahead; Environmental Hazards for Kids; Sounds of the Oud
UHERO Revised Forecast: Prof. Peter Fuleky

Today the U H Economic Research Organization released its updated state forecast. Three words stand out: ”deceleration” and “guardedly optimistic.” The connection among the three continues the trend intimated in several previous forecasts. Perhaps now, there is a little more urgency to pay attention given the current changes in policy from Washington and others yet to come and their economic impact the next few year. Peter Fuleky is an Associate Professor of Economics at UH Manoa and coauthor of UHERO's quarterly forecasts.
Intro Music: Chained to the Rhythm (Originally Performed by Katy Perry and Skip Marley) by Karaoke Freaks
Outro Music: New Slang by The Shins

The further East you travel from Europe, the influence of Asian music. This is a reflection of thousands of years of travel and intermingling of cultures along the trade routes of the Balkans and Asia Minor. As Asian influences creep in, the melodies become microtonal, using notes in between the 12 tones Western ears are accustomed to, and the rhythms expand beyond the three-, four-, and six-count time schemes that European music relies on. It’s a sound that’s at once unfamiliar and instantly identifiable. Kip McAtee and his band, Partners in time, specialize in the unusual scales and quirky rhythms of the Balkans and the Near East. Kip’s with us in our studio, and he brought his oud.
Intro Music: Romaniada by Partners in Time
Outro Music: Foreign Accent by Partners in Time
Civil Beat Reality Check: GET Surcharge Extension

Now we turn our attention to the City of yesterday’s press conference with Mayor Caldwell. He spent much of the time trying to convince lawmakers that extending the GET surcharge is in everyone’s best interest. But did they buy it? Civil Beat Editor Patti Epler has the reality check.
Outro Music: Babble by The Cure
Children's Environmental Health Workshop: Timur Durrani

Children feel environmental impact differently than adults. Their bodies and minds are growing and they often perceive risks in other ways than do most adults. How health professionals respond to those risks is the focus of a symposium coming to Honolulu later this month. The Hawaii Department of Health and partners, including the Region 9 EPA, health related departments of the University of Hawaii, and the Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit, are sponsoring the free one-day symposium. Dr. Timur Durrani is a co-director of the specialty unit, and based at the University of California San Francisco.
Intro Music: When They Fight, They Fight by Generationals
Outro Music: Painting (Masterpiece) by Lewis Del Mar

In the first half of our show, Kip McAtee gave us a brief introduction to the music his band Partners in Time plays, and we’re bringing him back to hear more of the oud, an instrument that has made its way across that region with its distinctive sound.
Intro Music: Eench Anem by Partners in Time
Outro Music: Cargah Sirto by Partners in Time