Ala Wai Management Plan
Today our eyes are on at the Ala Wai Canal. It was built in 1920 ’s to drain the wetlands of what is Kapiolani Park and to create what is now Waikiki. The Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to modify the canal by building a 4-foot wall on one or both of the sides to protect life and property in Waikiki and surrounding neighborhoods.
The long term flood control project is expected to cost more than 300 million dollars.
Doing nothing could threaten Waikiki from a flooding event that could potentially cause a billion dollars damage.
The state is responsible for the walls of the canal. The city, for the canal itself.
Joining us to talk about the project is Michael Wyatt from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Linda Wong, a neighborhood resident, and Kahi Pacarro: Executive Director of Sustainable Coastlines
Intro Music: Hotline Maimi II by Das Mortal