Hawai‘i Public Radio’s Fall 2016 fundraiser is on. We have only 10 days to raise $936K and we can only do that with your help.
To donate call:
HPR-1: 944-8800
HPR is a “member-supported” radio station, meaning the majority of our funding comes from donations from our listeners. It allows us to bring you yearlong, commercial-free news, music, and information. Twice a year, we interrupt our programming to humbly ask for donations and support.
How can I help?
Make a tax-deductible donation to HPR at whatever amount you’re comfortable with. We invite you to become a Sustaining Member of the station. Sustaining membership is like a subscription… the amount you choose is automatically deducted each month from your credit card or checking account. For example, a $120 donation breaks down to only $10/month. Or you can also make a one-time pledge to the station, for any amount. But no matter what you choose, or what level, your donation helps to keep the station on the air, and operating in the black year round.
Call and speak to one of our friendly volunteers, when the pledge lines are open or donate online 24/7.

And if you’re already a member, thank you again for your support.
As a thank you for your generous donation we have a variety of gifts to choose from which are found on the drop down menu on the pledge form... or volunteers answering the phone will talk you through the gifts. There are also special or limited time gifts that will roll out during the drive, so keep listening.
Because your support encourages others to support, and brings a speedier end to the drive, please share why you support public radio on social media by tagging #SupportHPR. Follow us on Social Media via our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Thanks again for your support.